Barnaby Joyce Disgusted To Be Asked Questions In ‘Tell All’ Interview He Requested
After months of demanding privacy for he and his families, Barnaby Joyce refused to relax his position despite inviting Channel 7 into his home for a $150K interview.
Guy Flees Party To Escape Awkwardness Of Waiting In Line To Greet Birthday Girl
“I couldn’t see anyone else I knew, so greeting Jane was the only available choice"
Trump Claims It Was Opposite Day
“As you know, because it was opposite day, I meant the opposite of everything I said, so clearly I meant that ‘I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia’ not would”
Plumber Hopes Clients Appreciate His Waxed Crack
Following many years of having clients look away from him uncomfortably or snicker behind his back, Justin Case (38) has finally decided to do something about it.
Manager Says A-sap Because Pronouncing A.S.A.P. Wastes Time He Can’t Afford
A very busy and important manager for an architectural agency, has recently begun using the term ‘A-sap’ when making an urgent request.
‘You’re Welcome Kids’ Says Man Who Donated $2.35 To Biggest Morning Tea Fundraiser
“Cop that cancer” he was also heard saying while dumping his shrapnel collection into a donation bucket.