Audi Drivers Furious About Release Of ‘Tiny Penis’ Emoji
“Not that it’s true…if anything, driving an Audi proves you have an enormous penis"
Report: Tailgating Gets You To Your Horrible Job 1.2 Seconds Faster
A recent study has found that tailgating can get you to work more than a full second faster than driving normally.
Girl With Name Spelt ‘Siobhan’ Claims It’s Pronounced ‘Jessica’
A TAFE student of Irish ancestry has taken exception to the mispronunciation of her name during a lecturer’s roll call, it has emerged.
Genius Puts Food Too Hot For Fingers Into Mouth
Witnesses told Seems Legit that he then made a series of awkward screaming noises as he attempted to cool the food with his breath while it was still in his open mouth.
Peter Dutton’s ‘I Stopped These’ Trophy Even More Disturbing Than PM’s
“He’s really proud of how he’s protected Australia from the dangerous children who pose such a threat to our way of life”
Nike Devastated People Are Burning Shoes They Already Paid For
"That's really showed us how barbaric we were in supporting someone who is non-violently protesting against innocent African Americans being killed by police"